[ adjective ] painstakingly careful and accurate


"our accountant is thorough" "thorough research"

Used in print

(Richard I. McCosh, "Recreation Site Selection"...)

- The existing plant growth calls_for thorough checking .

Related terms


[ adjective ] very thorough; exhaustively complete


"an exhaustive study" "made a thorough search" "thoroughgoing research"

Used in print

(William G. Pollard, Physicist and Christian....)

The scientific debunking of the spirit_world has been in_a_way too successful and too thorough .

(Chester G. Starr, The Origins of Greek Civili...)

Geometric pottery has not_yet received the thorough , detailed study which it deserves , partly because the task is a mammoth one and partly because some of its local manifestations , as at Argos , are only now coming_to_light .

(Edwin L. Bigelow and Nancy H. Otis,...)

In his wake came the District_Traffic_Supervisor and the cream of the telegraphic profession , ten of Boston 's best , chosen for their long experience and thorough knowledge of golf .

Related terms

