tracing has definitions from the field of fine art
[ noun ] (fine art) the act of drawing a plan or diagram or outline

Used in print

(William S. Haymond, "Is Distance an Original...)

But by the tracing procedure , he could , in a strange obviously kinesthetic manner , find the unseen form ; could piece , as_it_were , the jumbled mass together into an organized whole and_then recognize it as a man or a triangle or whatever it turned_out to be .

If , however , the figure to be discerned were complicated , composed of several interlocking subfigures , and_so_on , even the tracing process failed him , and he could not focus even relatively simple shapes among its parts .

Therefore , his only recourse was to learn the shape all_over again for each new visual experience of the same individual object or type of object ; and this he could do only by going_over its mass with the tracing procedure .

Then he might finally recognize it , apparently by combining the visual blot , actually being seen , with tactual feelings in_the_head or body accompanying the tracing movements .

This would mean , it can readily be seen , that , again , for each new visual experience the tracing motions would have_to be repeated because of the absence of visual imagery .

Related terms

drawing trace

[ noun ] (fine art) drawing created by tracing



Related terms

drawing trace
