trader has definitions from the fields of work,business
[ noun ] (work,business) someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold

Used in print

(John Harnsberger and Robert P. Wilkins,...)

Selkirk persuaded eighty men and four officers to go_to Red_River where they were to serve as a military_force to protect his settlers from the hostile Northwest_Company which resented the intrusion of farmers into the fur traders ' empire .

The Selkirk settlers had been anticipated in their move southward by British fur traders .

Activity by British traders and the presence of a colony on the Red prompted the United_State War_Department in 1819 to send Lieutenant-Colonel_Henry_Leavenworth from Detroit to put a post 300 miles northwest of Prairie_du_Chien , until then the most advanced United_States post .

Hercules_L._Dousman , fur trader and merchant at Prairie_du_Chien , contracted to supply Selkirk 's people with some 300 head of cattle , and Alexis_Bailly and Francois_Labothe were hired as drovers .

Others carried pemmican from `` the Forks '' to St._Paul and goods from St._Paul to Red_River , as in the summer of 1847 when one trader , Wells , transported twenty barrels of whisky to the British settlement .

[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 7934