[ adjective ] compelling immediate action




"too pressing to permit of longer delay" "the urgent words `Hurry! Hurry!'" "bridges in urgent need of repair"

Used in print

(Philip Reaves, "Who Rules the Marriage Bed?"...)

In some cases , however , domination of the sex_act by one partner can be temporary , triggered by a passing but urgent emotional need .

(Dan McLachlan, Jr., "Communication Networks and...)

The dweller at p is last to hear about a new cure , the slowest to announce to his neighbors his urgent distresses , the one who goes the farthest to trade , and the one with the greatest difficulty of all in putting_over an idea or getting people to join him in a cooperative effort .

(H. A. Gleason, "Review of African language studies...)

Improvement , however , is urgent , and at_least three things will be needed .

(George Harmon Coxe, Error of Judgement....)

When he snatched it up the voice that came to him was quick and urgent .

Related terms

