[ noun ] a substance that unites or bonds surfaces together

Used in print

(Harry H. Hull, "The Normal Forces and Their Ther...)

Such an instrument is expected to be especially useful if it could be used to measure the elasticity of heavy pastes such_as printing_inks , paints , adhesives , molten plastics , and bread_dough , for the elasticity is related to those various properties termed `` length '' , `` shortness '' , `` spinnability '' , etc. , which are usually judged by subjective methods at_present .

(A. N. Nagaraj and L. M. Black, "Localization of...)

The sections were mounted on cold slides smeared with Haupts ' adhesive ( Johansen , 1940 ) in earlier experiments , and in later experiments with a different mixture of the same components reported by Schramm and Rottger ( 1959 ) .

The latter adhesive was found to be much more satisfactory .
