[ adjective ] beyond normal limits


"excessive charges" "a book of inordinate length" "his dress stops just short of undue elegance" "unreasonable demands"

Used in print

(LeRoy Fothergill, "Biological Warfare", in Peter...)

In this connection it should be capable of being disseminated without excessive destruction .

(J. W. C. Hagstrom et al., "Debilitating muscular...)

On Feb. 12 , 1959 , purified corticotropin ( ACTH_Gel ) , 20 units daily intramuscularly , was started but had_to be discontinued 3 weeks later because of excessive fluid retention .

(Ross E. McKinney and Howard Edde, "Aerated...)

The high cost of land and a_few operational problems resulting from excessive loadings have created the need for a wastewater treatment system with the operational characteristics of the oxidation pond but with the ability to treat more organic matter per unit volume .

(Leon Uris, Mila 8....)

Grabski sat in a sweat saturated undershirt , cursing the excessive heat which clamped an uneasy stillness before sundown .

Related terms


[ adjective ] unrestrained in especially feelings


"extravagant praise" "exuberant compliments" "overweening ambition" "overweening greed"

Related terms

