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[ adjective ] in a state of sleep
Examples "were all asleep when the phone rang" "fell asleep at the wheel" Used in print (Louis Zara, Dark Rider....)What if it came when he was playing , or was asleep and dreaming ? (Francis Pollini, Night....)He looked over at him , lying there , asleep , and he felt a wave of revulsion . (W. H. Gass, "The Pedersen Kid," in The...)I could n't be sure he was still asleep . (Robert Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land....)`` Asleep . `` I ought to be asleep , too , but I felt_like a snack . Related terms awake at_rest fast_asleep dormant sleepy slumberous unawakened hypnoid sleeping drowsy unaware unconscious |
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[ adverb ] into a sleeping state
Examples "he fell asleep" Used in print (Dell Shannon, The Ace of Spades....)Alison was still sound asleep ; he made fresh coffee and searched through all the desk drawers for more cigarettes before thinking_of her handbag , and found a crumpled stray cigarette at its bottom , which tasted peculiarly of face_powder . |
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[ adverb ] in the sleep of death
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[ adjective ] lacking sensation
Examples "my foot is asleep" "numb with cold" Related terms |
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