[ adjective ] ready to fall asleep


"beginning to feel sleepy" "a sleepy-eyed child with drooping eyelids" "sleepyheaded students"

Used in print

(David Stacton, The Judges of the Secret Court....)

He felt curiously sleepy , the world seemed far away ; he knew he should get to Cap , but he did n't know how .

(Francis Pollini, Night....)

`` Boy , you 're stirrin early '' , a sleepy voice said .

(William Maxwell, The Chateau....)

A sleepy voice answered .

(Stephen Longstreet, Eagles Where I Walk....)

Mynheer , Sir_Francis , the valley society , the very smell of the river on his right purling along to the bay past fish weirs and rocks , and ahead the sleepy ribbon of moon drenched road .

Related terms

