[ adjective ] of or relating to chromatography

Used in print

(M. Yokoyama et al., "Chemical and serological...)

When paper_electrophoresis was to be used for preparation , eight strips of a whole serum sample or a chromatographic fraction concentrated by negative pressure dialysis were run / chamber under the conditions described above .

Similarly , both types of antibodies were found in three regions of the chromatographic eluate , having extremely low , low , and high anionic binding capacity , respectively ( Fig. 3 ) .

(Jacob Robbins et al., "The thyroid-stimulating...)

In the last few years , the application of chromatographic and other modern techniques to the problem of isolating TSH has led to further purification ( Bates and Condliffe , 1960 ; Pierce , Carsten and Wynston , 1960 ) .
