chromatography has definitions from the field of chemistry
[ noun ] (chemistry) a process used for separating mixtures by virtue of differences in absorbency

Used in print

(M. Yokoyama et al., "Chemical and serological...)

In the present work whole sera have been fractionated by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose using single gradients similar to those described by Sober and Peterson , and certain chemical and serological properties of the fractions containing antibodies of the ABO and Rh systems have been described .

The chromatography was done at 6 ` C using gradient elution , essentially according_to Sober and Peterson .

With either of the gradients described , chromatography on DEAE-cellulose separated agglutinins of the ABO series into at_least three regions ( Figs. 1 and 2 ) :

A sample of Fraction * * f from group O plasma was dissolved in starting_buffer , dialyzed against this buffer and subjected to chromatography using the gradient shown in Fig. 2 .

Chromatography of whole sera revealed that the areas of Rh_antibody activity were generally continuous and wide .
