[ noun ] a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions


"a growing divergence of opinion"

Used in print

(J. F. Vedder, "Micrometeorites", in Francis S. J...)

This large discrepancy demonstrates the inadequacies of the experimental methods and the lack of understanding of the various phenomena involved .

[ noun ] an event that departs from expectations


variant variance

Used in print

(Jesse W. Grimes and Wesley Allinsmith, "Compuls...)

It is the discrepancy between the actual attained achievement test score and the score that would be predicted by the I._Q. .

If a child with an I._Q. of 120 scored 5.5 in achievement , his discrepancy score would be + .7 , representing .7 of one year of over-achievement .

If such a child scored 3.0 , his discrepancy score would be - .5 , representing .5 of one year of under-achievement .

Related terms

deviation deviate
