[ verb ] spend frivolously and unwisely


"Fritter away one's inheritance"

Used in print

(Patrick Dennis, Little Me....)

As for his private monies , they were rapidly dissipated in drinking , gaming and carousing .

Related terms

consume consume

[ verb ] to cause to separate and go in different directions, of crowds, for example


"She waved her hand and scattered the crows."

Used in print

(Howard J. Parad, "Preventive casework: problems...)

Direct confrontation and acceptance of Mrs._B . 's anger against the second baby soon dissipated her fears of annihilation .

[ verb ] move away from each other


"The crowds dispersed" "The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached";

Used in print

(Arthur S. Miller, "Toward a Concept of National...)

It is one of the ironic quirks of history that the viability and usefulness of nationalism and the territorial state are rapidly dissipating at precisely the time that the nation-state attained its highest number ( approximately 100 ) .

[ verb ] live a life or pleasure, especially with respect to alcoholic consumption

Related terms

live profligacy
