live has definitions from the fields of housing,electricity,printing,television,work
[ verb ] (housing) make one's home or live in


"There are only 250,000 people in Iceland" "I live in a 200-year old house" "These people inhabited all the islands that are now deserted" "The plains are sparsely populated"

Used in print

(The Atlanta Constitution...)

The petition said that the couple has not lived together as man_and_wife for more than a year .

(The Dallas Morning News,...)

The TEA estimated there would be 182 scholastics to attend the day_school in Dallas_County , saving them from coming to Austin to live in the state deaf school .

Extension of the ADC program to all children in need living with any relatives , including both parents , as a means of preserving family unity .

(William G. Pollard, Physicist and Christian....)

Yet the spirit which lives in community is not identical with the community .

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

In_any_event , it is an irreversible step , and if we are at_all honest with ourselves , we will know we have no other alternative than to live in the world in which God has seen_fit to place us .

[ verb ] lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style


"we had to live frugally after the war"

Used in print

(Bern Dibner, "Oerstad and the Discovery of Electro...)

I lived in this onward driving contest where each day overcame a new difficulty , gained a new truth , or banished a previous error '' .

(Philip Reaves, "Who Rules the Marriage Bed?"...)

More often , though , he is so accustomed to submitting to authority on the job without argument that he lives by the same rule at home .

(Peter J. White, "Report on Laos"...)

`` What matters here is family loyalty ; faith in the_Buddha and staying at peace with the phis , the spirits ; and to live in harmony with nature '' .

(David Boroff, "Jewish Teen-Age Culture"...)

They discovered that , although 42 per_cent of a sample of Catholic students and 15 per_cent of the Protestants believed it important to live in accordance with the teachings of their religion , only 8 per_cent of the Jewish students had this conviction .

The most important aims of the Jewish students were as_follows : to make the world a better place to live in - 30 per_cent ; to get happiness for yourself - 28 per_cent ; and financial independence - 21 per_cent .

[ verb ] (work) support oneself by doing a certain type of work


"She lives on the meager income from her writing"

[ verb ] continue to live; endure or last


"We went without water and food for 3 days" "The legend of Elvis lives on" "These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America" "The racecar driver lived through several very serious accidents"

Used in print

(Jaroslav Pelikan, The Shape of Death: life, death and...)

As man can live only by dying , so it was only by his dying that Christ could bring many to life .

(Frank Getlein and Harold C. Gardiner, S.J., Movies,...)

It was Porter , however , who produced the very first movie whose name has lived on through the half century of film history that has since ensued .

(Max F. Millikan and Donald L. M. Blackmer,...)

With_respect_to those countries whose leaders prefer to live with their illusions , we can afford to wait , for in_time their comparative lack of progress will become clear for all to see .

(Robert A. Futterman, The Future of Our Cities....)

But anybody who promises a substantial volume of business can get a railroad to run a short spur to his plant these days , and many businesses can live without the railroad .

(W. E. B. DuBois, Worlds of Color....)

To most of those who composed the Amen_corner it was a magnificent and beautiful experience , something for which they lived from week to week .

[ verb ] support oneself


survive exist subsist


"he could barely exist on such a low wage" "Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?" "Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day"

Used in print

(B. J. D. Meeuse, The Story of Pollination....)

Some members of the bee family have become idlers , social parasites that live at the expense of their hardworking relatives .

(Joyce O. Hertzler, American Social Institutions;...)

Under the religious impulse , whether theistic or humanistic , men have joy in living ; life leads somewhere .

(Marvin Schiller, "The Sheep's in the Meadow,"...)

I lived to see an envelope of hers in the morning mail and to lock myself in my room in the afternoon to reread her letter for the tenth time and finally prepare an answer .

(Hampton Stone, The Man Who Looked Death...)

Is there any other time in which a man can live '' ?

[ verb ] have life, be alive




"Our great leader is no more" "My grandfather lived until the end of war"

Used in print

(J. H. Hexter, "Thomas More: On the Margins...)

Had More 's writings been wholly limited to such exercises , they would be almost as dimly remembered as those of a dozen or_so other authors living in his time , whose works tenuously survive in the minds of the few hundred scholars who each decade in pursuit of their very specialized occasions read those works .

(S. J. Perelman, The Rising Gorge. New York:...)

My advice , if you live long enough to continue your vocation , is that the next time you 're attracted by the exotic , pass it up - it 's nothing but a headache .

[ adjective ] (television) actually being performed (or--for the audience--present) at the time of viewing




"a live television program" "brought to you live from Lincoln Center" "live entertainment" involves performers actually in the physical presence of a "live audience"

Used in print

(The Christian Science Monitor,...)

An enthusiastic audience confirmed the `` live '' character of the hour , and provided the interaction between musician and hearer which almost always seems to improve the quality of performance .

One of the script 's big problems was how to blend pictures and music of the past with live performances by musicians of today .

(High Fidelity, 11:10...)

Records sound like records because they provide a different sort of experience than live music .

Some of them are obvious , such as the fact that we associate recorded and live music with our responses and behavior in different types of environments and social settings .

From the technical standpoint , records differ from live music to the degree that they fail to convey the true color , texture , complexity , range , intensity , pulse , and pitch of the original .

Related terms

recorded unfilmed

[ verb ] have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations


know experience


"I know the feeling!" "have you ever known hunger?" "I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict" "The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare"

Used in print

(Booth Hemingway and Stuart H. Brown,...)

In the colder climes , for_instance , you will have_to live through the many unglamorous winter months when your pool will hardly look its best .

[ adjective ] charged with an explosive


"live ammunition" "a live bomb"

Related terms


[ adverb ] not recorded


"the opera was broadcast live"

[ adjective ] showing characteristics of life; exerting force or containing energy


"live coals" "tossed a live cigarette out the window" "got a shock from a live wire" "live ore is unmined ore" "a live bomb" "a live ball is one in play"

[ adjective ] of current relevance


"a live issue" "still a live option"

Related terms


[ adjective ] (electricity) charged or energized with electricity




"a hot wire" "a live wire"

Related terms

electricity charged

[ adjective ] having life




"a live canary" "hit a live nerve" "famous living painters" "living tissue" "living plants and animals"

Used in print

(Louis Zara, Dark Rider....)

No_one told_on Ludie , not even when he slipped live grasshoppers into the mite-box .

(Irving Stone, The Agony and the Ecstasy....)

The surgeon carried a cage of live pigeons .

Related terms


[ adjective ] (informal) abounding with life and energy


"the club members are a really live bunch"

Related terms

colloquialism lively

[ adjective ] highly reverberant


"a live concert hall"

Related terms


[ adjective ] rebounds readily


"clean bouncy hair" "a lively tennis ball" "as resiliant as seasoned hickory" "springy turf"

Related terms


[ verb ] pursue a positive and satisfying existence


"You must accept yourself and others if you really want to live"

[ adjective ] (printing) in current use or ready for use


"live copy is ready to be set in type or already set but not yet proofread"

Related terms

printing current

[ adjective ] capable of erupting




"a live volcano" "the volcano is very much alive"

Related terms

