[ verb ] have as a by-product


"The big cities gave off so many wonderful American qualities"

Used in print

(Ross E. McKinney and Howard Edde, "Aerated...)

In the summer of 1960 the oxidation pond became completely septic and emitted obnoxious odors .

(Robert Penn Warren, Wilderness....)

Once covertly looking at Simms_Purdew , the only man in the world whom he hated , he had seen the heavy , slack , bestubbled jaw open and close to emit the cruel , obscene banter , and had seen the pale blue eyes go watery with whisky and merriment , and suddenly he was not seeing the face of that vile creature .

[ verb ] give off, send forth, or discharge; as of light, heat, or radiation, vapor, etc.


give_out give_off


"The ozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun emits."

Used in print

(Ernest Becker, Zen: A Rational Critique. New York: W.W....)

But actually these accounts reveal the supernatural powers that the masters were in_fact supposed to possess , as_well as the extreme degree of popular credulity : `` Hwang_Pah ( O baku ) , one_day going_up Mount_Tien_Tai , which was believed to have been inhabited by Arhats with supernatural powers , met with a monk whose eyes emitted strange light .

[ verb ] express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words)


"She let out a big heavy sigh" "He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand"
