[ noun ] the unwritten literature (stories and proverbs and riddles and songs) of a culture

Used in print

(Tristram P. Coffin, "Folklore in the American Twentieth...)

The popularity of folklore in America stands in direct proportion to the popularity of nationalism in America .

Thus , if we are to observe American folklore in the twentieth century , we will do_well to establish the relationships between folklore , nationalism and imperialism at the outset .

Thus , if we are to observe American folklore in the twentieth century , we will do_well to establish the relationships between folklore , nationalism and imperialism at the outset .

Its folklore and legend , usually disguised as history , are allowed to account_for group_actions , to provide a focal_point for group loyalty , and to become a cohesive force for national identification .

Therefore , the scholar , as he looks_at our national folklore of the last 60 years , will be mindful of two facts .
