fury has definitions from the fields of psychiatry,classical mythology
[ noun ] a feeling of intense anger


rage madness


"hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" "his face turned red with rage"

Used in print

(Mignon G. Eberhart, The Cup, the Blade...)

She eyed the chickens with , if she had known it , something of Glendora 's dismal look and thought with a certain fury of the time she had spent on Latin verbs .

(Breni James, Nights of the Kill....)

He clamped his jaws to keep the fury from spilling_out .

(Edwin Booth, Outlaw Town....)

There was raw fury in his eyes , and the veins of his neck were swollen .

With a roar of pain and fury Jess made his attack .

Related terms

anger wrath lividity ramp

[ noun ] the property of being wild or turbulent


"the storm's violence"

Used in print

(Louis Zara, Dark Rider....)

Thunder crashed ; barrels tumbled down the mountainsides , and bounced and bounced till their own fury split them open .

Related terms


[ noun ] (psychiatry) state of violent mental agitation

Used in print

(Francis Pollini, Night....)

The man shrank before the hot fury , searching frantically for the answer * * h Finnegan woke_up .

(Howard Fast, April Morning....)

One moment , the road was filled with disciplined troops , marching four by four with a purpose as implacable as death ; the next , a cloud of gun_smoke covered a screaming fury of sound , out of which the redcoat soldiers emerged with their bayonets and their cursing fury .

One moment , the road was filled with disciplined troops , marching four by four with a purpose as implacable as death ; the next , a cloud of gun_smoke covered a screaming fury of sound , out of which the redcoat soldiers emerged with their bayonets and their cursing fury .

[ noun ] (classical mythology) the hideous snake-haired monsters (usually three in number) who pursued unpunished criminals
[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 20244
[ noun ] (classical mythology) the hideous snake-haired monsters (usually three in number) who pursued unpunished criminals


eumenides erinyes
