goitrogen has definitions from the field of chemistry
[ noun ] (chemistry) any substance (such as thiouracil) that induces the formation of a goiter

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(Jacob Robbins et al., "The thyroid-stimulating...)

There is some evidence that naturally occurring goitrogens may play a role in the development of goitre , particularly in Tasmania and Australia ( Clements and Wishart , 1956 ) .

There it seems that the goitrogen ingested by dairy animals is itself inactive but is converted in the animal to an active goitrogen , which is then secreted in the milk .

There it seems that the goitrogen ingested by dairy animals is itself inactive but is converted in the animal to an active goitrogen , which is then secreted in the milk .

Besides the presence of goitrogens in the diet , the level of iodine itself in the diet plays a major role in governing the activity of the thyroid_gland .

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