has definitions from the fields of pharmacology,botany,arms,food,writing
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[ noun ] (botany) narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay
Used in print (The Sun, [Baltimore],...)Pete_Ward was sent in_for House and , after failing in a bunt attempt , popped to Howser on the grass back of short . (St. Louis Post-Dispatch,...)Next to Leo_Durocher , Dark taught Mays the most when he was a grass green rookie rushed up_to the Polo_Grounds 10 years ago this month , to help the Giants win a dramatic pennant . (B. J. D. Meeuse, The Story of Pollination....)Once she has made_up_her_mind , the queen starts_out by constructing , in her chosen abode , a small `` floor '' of dried grass or some woolly material . (Clayton C. Barbeau, The Ikon....)There was no cover here , only grass sighing against pant-legs . And with each sigh , like a whip in the hand of an expert , the grass stripped something from Warren . Related terms gramineous_plant shortgrass wheatgrass sword_grass tallgrass buffalo_grass burgrass bent broom_grass tall_oat_grass brome grama sheep_fescue silver_grass velvet_grass sandbur finger_grass pampas_grass plumed_tussock Bermuda_grass giant_star_grass orchard_grass crabgrass lyme_grass wild_rye love_grass plume_grass fescue reed_grass goat_grass midgrass creeping_soft_grass rye_grass nimblewill dallisgrass Bahia_grass knotgrass fountain_grass feathertop reed_canary_grass canary_grass hardinggrass timothy meadowgrass munj bluestem cordgrass dropseed rushgrass St._Augustine_grass cereal zoysia beach_grass blue_grass rush-grass bunchgrass |
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[ verb ] (arms) shoot down, of birds
Used in print (Larry Koller, "The New Guns of '61"...)Small antelope were generally grassed with one_shot , and the .44 Magnum carbine also bagged reedbuck , kob and wart hog with deadly efficiency ; these are fairly large , tough animals . Related terms |
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[ verb ] spread out clothes on the grass to let it dry and bleach
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[ noun ] (writing) German writer of novels and poetry and plays (born 1927)
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[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 6544
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[ noun ] (pharmacology) the most commonly used illicit drug; considered a soft drug, it consists of the dried leaves of the hemp plant; smoked or chewed for euphoric effect
Related terms soft_drug controlled_substance dope acapulco_gold hemp joint |
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