has definitions from the fields of Greek,government,geography
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[ noun ] (Greek,government,geography) a republic in southeastern Europe on the southern part of the Balkan peninsula; known for grapes and olives and olive oil
Synonyms Used in print (Chester G. Starr, The Origins of Greek Civili...)While Protogeometric vases usually turn_up , especially outside Greece proper , together with as_many or more examples of local stamp , these `` non Greek '' patterns had mostly vanished by the later ninth century . The potters of the Aegean_islands thus stood apart from those of the mainland , and in Greece itself Argive , Corinthian , Attic , Boeotian , and other Geometric sequences have each their own hallmarks . Figurines and simple chapels presage the emergence of sculpture and architecture in Greece ; objects in gold , ivory , and bronze grow more numerous . We shall not be able entirely to pass_over these connections to the East as we consider Ripe_Geometric pottery , the epic and the myth , and the religious evolution of early Greece ; the important point , however , is that these magnificent achievements , unlike those of later decades , were only incidentally influenced by Oriental models . Related terms Balkan_country common_market North_Atlantic_Treaty_Organization European_Economic_Community Greek Europe Attica Athens Parnassus Delphi Olympus dhodhekanisos Marathon Peloponnese Chaeronea Navarino Corinth Argos Actium Thessalonika Lemnos athos ithaca Lepanto salonica epirus stagira gulf_of_aegina Thermopylae Lesbos Cyclades Leuctra Crete aegina Mantinea nemea rhodes actium Mycenae Laconia Boeotia Chios Thessalia Arcadia Pharsalus Greek choragus ela sibyl 17_november Thermopylae optative_mood laurels Balkan_Wars Mantinea Trojan_Horse pantheon dithyramb loanblend Marathon Lepanto paean Sisyphus Midas cacodemon eudemon souvlaki torch_race Navarino Bacchus Pharsalus Chaeronea Actium |
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