greek has definitions from the field of linguistics
[ adjective ] of or relating to or characteristic of Greece or the Greeks


Grecian Hellenic


"Greek mythology" "a grecian robe"

Used in print

(Chester G. Starr, The Origins of Greek Civili...)

The focus of novelty in this world now lay_in the south-eastern districts of the Greek mainland , and by 800 virtually the entire Aegean , always excepting its northern shores , had accepted the Geometric style of pottery .

While Protogeometric vases usually turn_up , especially outside Greece proper , together with as_many or more examples of local stamp , these `` non Greek '' patterns had mostly vanished by the later ninth century .

Everywhere within the common pattern , however , one finds local diversity ; Greek history and culture were enduringly fertilized , and plagued , by the interplay of these conjoined yet opposed factors .

The epic_poems , the consolidation of the Greek pantheon , the rise of firm political_units , the self-awareness which could permit painted and sculptured representations of men - all these had to await the progress of following decades .

Throughout the Dark_ages , it is clear , the Greek world had been developing slowly but consistently .

Related terms

Greece Greece Greece

[ noun ] (linguistics) the Hellenic branch of the Indo-European family of languages

Used in print

(Jaroslav Pelikan, The Shape of Death: life, death and...)

This emphasis upon death rather than sin as man 's fundamental problem Irenaeus shares with many early theologians , especially the Greek speaking ones .

(Chester G. Starr, The Origins of Greek Civili...)

In the vases this spirit may perhaps at_times bore or repel one in its internal self-satisfaction , but the best of the Geometric pins have rightly been considered among the most beautiful ever made in the Greek world .

(J. H. Hexter, "Thomas More: On the Margins...)

It was not even in writing Latin epigrams , sometimes bawdy ones , or in translating Lucian from Greek into Latin or in defending the study of Greek against the attack of conservative academics , or in attacking the conservative theologians who opposed Erasmus 's philological study of the New_Testament .

It was not even in writing Latin epigrams , sometimes bawdy ones , or in translating Lucian from Greek into Latin or in defending the study of Greek against the attack of conservative academics , or in attacking the conservative theologians who opposed Erasmus 's philological study of the New_Testament .

(Gerald Green, The Heartless Light....)

They answered him in monosyllables , nods , occasionally muttering in Greek to one another , awaiting the word from Papa , who restlessly cracked his knuckles , anxious to stuff himself into his white Cadillac and burst off to the freeway .

[ noun ] a native or inhabitant of Greece



Used in print

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

There is an ancient and venerable tradition in the church ( which derives , however , from the heritage of the Greeks rather than from the Bible ) that God is completely independent of his creation and so has no need of men for accomplishing his work in the world .

(J. H. Hexter, "Thomas More: On the Margins...)

We do not deny originality to the Agamemnon because Aeschylus found the tales of the house of Atreus among the folk_lore of the Greeks .

[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 19667