kitchen has definitions from the fields of housing,food
[ noun ] (housing,food) a room equipped for preparing meals

Used in print

(Chicago Daily Tribune...)

The vast , dungeon kitchens may seem hardly worth using except on occasions when one is faced with a_thousand unexpected guests for lunch .

(Organic Gardening and Farming,...)

This happens on the grocer 's shelf or in your kitchen .

(LeRoy Fothergill, "Biological Warfare", in Peter...)

There may be a number of secondary effects resulting from diffusion through buildings such_as widespread contamination of kitchens , restaurants , food stores , hospitals , etc. .

(Christopher Davis, First Family....)

Virginia treated him with_attention and tried to tempt his appetite with special food : biscuits , cookies , candies - the result of devoted hours in the tiled kitchen .

(Louis Zara, Dark Rider....)

In the kitchen Mama was wiping the cupboards .

[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 2121