[ noun ] unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event



Used in print

(Chicago Daily Tribune...)

Hindemith 's joust with Weber tunes was a considerably more serious misfortune , for it demands translucent textures , buoyant rhythms , and astringent wit .

(Frank Oppenheimer, "Science and Fear-- A Discussion...)

The persistent horror of having a malformed child has , I believe , been reduced , not because we have gained any control over this misfortune , but precisely because we have learned that we have so little control over it .

(Joyce O. Hertzler, American Social Institutions;...)

His religious_beliefs provide him with plausible explanations for many conditions which cause him great concern , and his religious faith makes possible fortitude , equanimity , and consolation , enabling him to endure colossal misfortune , fear , frustration , uncertainty , suffering , evil , and danger .

[ noun ] an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes

Used in print

(Charles Wharton Stork, "Verner von Heidenstam"...)

Almost nothing is said of Charles ' spectacular victories , the central theme being the heroic loyalty of the Swedish people to their idolized king in misfortune and defeat .

(Vina Delmar, The Big Family....)

He expected nothing for himself but that which naturally follows those marked for misfortune .

(Edward Streeter, The Chairman of the Bored....)

Perhaps it was his misfortune , or good_fortune , whichever way one looked_at it , to belong_to the former group , and he was struggling unconsciously to build_up pressure in a world which demanded none , which was positively antagonistic to_it .
