loading has definitions from the fields of work,business,transportation
[ noun ] weight to be borne or conveyed


load burden

Used in print

(Ross E. McKinney and Howard Edde, "Aerated...)

The high cost of land and a_few operational problems resulting from excessive loadings have created the need for a wastewater treatment system with the operational characteristics of the oxidation pond but with the ability to treat more organic matter per unit volume .

Research at Fayette_, Missouri on oxidation ponds has shown that the BOD in the treated effluent varied from 30 to 53 mg / l with loadings from 8 to 120 lb BOD / day / acre .

The organic loading on the unit averaged 32 lb of BOD / day or about 2 lb BOD / day 1000 cu_ft aeration capacity .

Needless to say , the organic load was very low on a volumetric basis , but was 270 lb BOD / day / acre on a surface loading basis .

[ noun ] (transportation) a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time




"the system broke down under excessive loads"

Used in print

(Ross E. McKinney and Howard Edde, "Aerated...)

The organic loading on the pond was slightly under 60 lb BOD / day / acre .

The effluent BOD averaged 34 mg / l , a_little lower than that of the study at Fayette indicated for a loading of 60 lb BOD / day / acre .

[ noun ] (business) goods carried by a large vehicle
[ noun ] the ratio of the gross weight of an airplane to some factor determining its lift
[ adjective ] designed for use in loading e.g. cargo


"a loading dock" "a loading chute is used to drive cattle into a truck or other conveyance"

Related terms


[ noun ] (work) the labor of loading something


"the loading took 2 hours"

Related terms

unloading handling load
