[ adjective ] closely encircling




"encompassing mountain ranges" "the surrounding countryside"

Used in print

(Raymond C. Binder et al., editors, Proceedings...)

Inflow of air from the surrounding atmosphere was prevented by the two disks shown in figure 2 .

The reflection of radiation originating from the anode holder and reflected back to it by the surrounding metal surfaces should also be small because of the specular characteristic of the metal surfaces and of the specific geometry .

(Harry H. Hull, "The Normal Forces and Their Ther...)

In_other_words , if an ideal_gas is compressed and kept at constant temperature , the work done in compressing it is completely converted into heat and transferred to the surrounding heat_sink .

(Richard F. McLaughlin, et al., "A study of the...)

Theoretically , they are capable of extracting their required oxygen either from the surrounding air ( Ghoreyeb and Karsner , ' 13 ) or from pulmonary arterial blood ( Comroe , ' 58 ) .

(Clayton C. Barbeau, The Ikon....)

Figures seemed to crouch in the surrounding dark ; in the distance he saw a band of men who seemed to advance and retreat even as he watched .

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