[ adjective ] having a meaning or purpose


"a meaningful explanation" "a meaningful discussion" "a meaningful pause"

Used in print

(Edward E. Kelly, S.J., "Christian Unity in England"...)

That day is perhaps today , 1961 , and it seems no_longer very meaningful to call England a `` Protestant country '' .

(Francis J. Johnston and John E. Willard, "The...)

Although there was some variation in results which must be attributed either to trace impurities or to variation in wall effects , the photochemical_exchange in the gas phase was sufficiently reproducible so that it seemed meaningful to compare the reaction rates in different series of reaction tubes for the purpose of obtaining information on the effect of chlorine concentration and of carbon_tetrachloride concentration on the reaction rate .

(Max F. Millikan and Donald L. M. Blackmer,...)

Isolated enterprises have been launched , but they are not_yet related to each other in a meaningful pattern .

(Douglas Ashford, "Elections in Morocco: Progress...)

The concentration of effective power in Rabat leads not_only to party bickering , but to distraction from local activity that might have had many auxiliary benefits in_addition to contributing to more meaningful elections .
