metropolitan has definitions from the fields of religion,Christianity
[ adjective ] relating to or characteristic of a metropolis


"metropolitan area"

Used in print

(James Bryant Conant, Slums and Suburbs...)

Therefore employment and education in all the schools in a metropolitan area are related in different ways from those which are characteristic of the comprehensive high_school described in my first report .

(Gibson Winter, The Suburban Captivity of the...)

The congregation perishes when it is no_longer possible to replenish that core from the neighborhood ; moreover , residential mobility is so high in metropolitan areas that churches have_to recruit constantly in their core stratum in_order to survive ; they can lose higher - and lower status members from the church without collapsing , but they need adequate recruits for the core stratum in_order to preserve economic integration .

A crucial question , therefore , is what evangelism and mission actually mean in metropolitan Protestantism .

Missionary outreach by friendly contact looks somewhat different when one reflects on what is known about friendly contact in metropolitan neighborhoods ; the majority of such contacts are with people of similar social and economic position ; association by level of achievement is the dominant principle of informal relations .

The fact that metropolitan churches of the major denominations have moved approximately every generation for the last hundred years becomes somewhat more intelligible in the light of_this struggle to maintain economic balance .

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[ noun ] (religion,Christianity) in the Eastern Orthodox Church this title is given to a position between bishop and patriarch; equivalent to archbishop in western Christianity

Related terms


[ noun ] a person who lives in a metropolis

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