misdemeanor has definitions from the fields of law,criminal law
[ noun ] (law,criminal law) a crime less serious than a felony

Used in print

(Legislation on Foreign Relations. Committee on Foreign...)

Whoever , in the United_States or elsewhere , pays or offers to pay , or promises to pay , or receives on_account_of services rendered or to be rendered in connection with any such claim , compensation which , when added to any amount previously paid on_account_of such services , will exceed the amount of fees so determined by the Commission , shall be guilty of a misdemeanor , and , upon conviction thereof , shall be fined not more_than $ 5000 or imprisoned not more_than twelve months , or both , and if any such payment shall have been made or granted , the Commission shall take such action as may be necessary to recover the same , and , in_addition thereto , any such person shall forfeit all rights under this title .
