offense has definitions from the fields of law,criminal law,military,sport
[ noun ] a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or others

Used in print

(The Dallas Morning News,...)

Texas ' 545 - yard spree against Washington_State gave the Longhorns a 3 - game total offense of 1512 yards ( 1065 rushing and 447 passing ) a new SWC high .

Completing 12 of 15 passes for 174 yards , the Aggies had a total offense of 361 yards .

[ noun ] (law,criminal law) a crime less serious than a felony

Used in print

(Randall Stewart, "A Little History, a Little Honesty: A...)

Lincoln understood this better than most when he said in his `` Second Inaugural '' that God `` gives to both North and South this terrible war , as the woe due to those by whom the offense came '' .

[ noun ] a feeling of anger caused by being offended


offence umbrage


"he took offence at my question"

Used in print

(Dell Shannon, The Ace of Spades....)

Usually she marked the few who did thank_you , you did n't get that kind much in a place like this : and she played a little game with herself , seeing how downright rude she could act to the others , before they 'd take offense , threaten to call the manager .

Related terms

anger pique

[ noun ] (sport) the team that has the ball (or puck) and is trying to score



Related terms

defense team

[ noun ] (military) the action of attacking the enemy


offensive offence
