mixture has definitions from the fields of food,chemistry
[ noun ] (chemistry) a substance consisting of two or more substances mixed together (not in fixed proportions and not with chemical bonding)

Used in print

(Jay C. Harris and John R. Van Wazer, "Detergent...)

These widely advertised products , which are used primarily for washing clothes , are based on high-sudsing , synthetic organic actives ( sodium alkylbenzenesulfonates ) and contain up_to 50 % by weight of sodium_tripolyphosphate or a mixture of sodium_tripolyphosphate and tetrasodium_pyrophosphate .

(Francis J. Johnston and John E. Willard, "The...)

The mixture was then extracted with alkali and with water following which the carbon_tetrachloride was distilled on a Vigreux column , a 25 % center cut being retained which was then degassed under vacuum in the presence of * * f .

Purified inactive chlorine was then added from one of the tubes described above and the mixture frozen_out and sealed_off in a flask equipped with a break_seal .

Following observation of the fact that the reaction rates of supposedly identical reaction mixtures prepared on the same filling manifold and exposed under identical conditions often differed by several hundred per_cent , a systematic series of experiments was undertaken to see whether the difficulty could be ascribed to the method of preparing the chlorine , to the effects of oxygen or moisture or to the effect of surface to volume ratio in the reaction tubes .

No detectable reaction was found at room_temperature for reaction mixtures allowed to stand up_to 5 hours .

[ noun ] (food) any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients


"he hesitated to taste the strange concoction" "he drank a mixture of beer and lemonade"

Used in print

(B. J. D. Meeuse, The Story of Pollination....)

On this , she builds an `` egg compartment '' or `` egg cell '' which is filled with that famous pollen and nectar mixture called beebread .

[ noun ] a collection containing a variety of sorts of things


"a great assortment of cars was on display" "he had a variety of disorders" "a veritable smorgasbord of religions"

Used in print

(William G. Pollard, Physicist and Christian....)

The conversation of the characters creates an atmosphere suggesting the usual mixture of pleasures , foibles , irritations , and concerns which would characterize the common life of a normal village in any age .

(A. N. Nagaraj and L. M. Black, "Localization of...)

The sections were mounted on cold slides smeared with Haupts ' adhesive ( Johansen , 1940 ) in earlier experiments , and in later experiments with a different mixture of the same components reported by Schramm and Rottger ( 1959 ) .

[ noun ] an event that combines things in a mixture




"a gradual mixture of cultures"

[ noun ] the act of mixing


"paste made by a mix of flour and water" "the mixing of sound channels in the recording studio"
