has definitions from the field of economics
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[ noun ] that which has mass and occupies space
Synonyms Examples "an atom is the smallest indivisible unit of matter" Used in print (William G. Pollard, Physicist and Christian....)We cannot , of_course , assign it any substance . (Jaroslav Pelikan, The Shape of Death: life, death and...)`` Whence , then , comes the substance of the first man ? (Jay C. Harris and John R. Van Wazer, "Detergent...)Miscellaneous soils , which primarily include sticky substances and colorless liquids which evaporate to leave a residue . In_addition , dirt particles can be held onto a soiled surface by sticky substances or by the surface_tension of liquids , including liquid greases . The detergent active is that substance which primarily acts to remove greasy soils . Related terms object entity material system food fluid atom solid antigen mixture group molecule fuel poison sediment chemical_element residue substrate ballast grinding culture_medium emanation compound medium protoplasm fluid vegetable_matter sludge refrigerant precipitant foamentation precursor leaven chemical_irritant activator solute ferment inhibitor denaturant drift essence metabolite carcinogen solvate volatile antimatter phlogiston ligand pyrectic ylem element micronutrient allergen philosopher's_stone propellant dark_matter hydrocolloid inoculant humectant jelly lysin medium medium adulterant body_substance assay bedding_material |
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[ noun ] the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
Synonyms center core essence heart sum heart_and_soul meat marrow pith nub gist nitty-gritty inwardness kernel Examples : "the gist of the prosecutor's argument" "the heart and soul of the Republican Party" "the nub of the story" Used in print (High Fidelity, 11:10...)the first hearing was fascinating and the second disillusioning as the gap between sound and substance became clearer . Related terms content stuff hypostasis haecceity bare_bones quintessence summate |
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[ noun ] the idea that is intended
Examples "What is the meaning of this proverb?" Used in print (John F. Hayward, "Mimesis and Symbol in the Arts"...)And although these insights into the nature of art may be in themselves insufficient for a thoroughgoing philosophy of art , their peculiar authenticity in this day and age requires that they be taken seriously and gives promise that from their very substance , new and valid chapters in the philosophy of art may be written . Related terms idea significance reference connotation undertone tenor reference mean |
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[ noun ] the stuff of which an object consists
Used in print (Richard F. McLaughlin, et al., "A study of the...)An unusual increase in the number of bronchial_arteries present within the substance of the lung was noted . Related terms |
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[ noun ] (economics) considerable capital (wealth or income)
Synonyms Examples "he is a man of means" Related terms |
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[ noun ] what a communication that is about something is about
Synonyms Related terms communication information subject statement opinion meaning narration proposal direction request wit guidance nonsense promotion respects reminder submission offer disapproval digression statement body refusal shocker treacle sensationalism approval disrespect commitment acknowledgment drivel latent_content memorial insertion corker |
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