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[ verb ] fell sadness
Examples "She is mourning her dead child" Used in print (W. E. B. DuBois, Worlds of Color....)For the old preacher who had been there twenty-five years was dead , and the city mourned him . (Irving Stone, The Agony and the Ecstasy....)Perhaps after the soldiers had laid him on the ground , while Joseph_of_Arimathea was at Pontius_Pilate 's asking for Christ 's body , Nicodemus was gathering his mixture of myrrh and aloes , and the others had gone_home to mourn . (E. Lucas Myers, "The Vindication of Dr. Nestor,"...)The events of the last quarter of an hour , mysterious to any bird accustomed only to the predictable life of coop and barnyard , had overcome the doctor 's hen and she gave_out a series of cackly wails , perhaps mourning her nest , but briefly enjoyed . |
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[ verb ] observe the customs of mourning after the death of a loved one
Used in print (Marian Nester, "New Methods of Parapsychology"...)Perhaps they are mourning a recent death and want comfort , to feel in touch with the deceased , or seek indications for future plans . |
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