[ noun ] a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances




"the holiday gave us the opportunity to visit Washington" "now is your chance"

Used in print

(Musical America, LXXXI:5...)

economic security and cultural opportunities , incisive idioms , social fermentations for a new national ideology - a sympathetic public and a large body of performers especially trained to fulfill his purpose .

(Orlin J. Scoville, Part-Time Farming...)

Choose a location within easy commuting distance of both the regular job and other employment opportunities .

The presence of alternative job opportunities also will make the place easier to sell if that should become desirable .

(Harold Rosenberg, "The Trial and Eichmann"...)

What more could be asked for a Trial intended to warn the world against anti-Semitism than this opportunity to expose the exact link between the respectable anti-Semite and the concentration-camp brute ?

(James Boylan, "Mutinity"...)

The mate , Robert_Juet , who had kept the journal on the half_Moon , was experienced - but he was a bitter old_man , ready to complain or desert at any opportunity .
