pharmacy has definitions from the fields of pharmacology,business,medicine
[ noun ] (medicine) the art and science of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines,



Used in print

(Bern Dibner, "Oerstad and the Discovery of Electro...)

He completed his training in pharmacy also , taking his degree with high honors in 1797 , and in 1799 was awarded the degree of Doctor_of_Philosophy along with a prize for an essay in medicine .

Related terms


[ noun ] (pharmacology,business) a retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold

Used in print

(Bern Dibner, "Oerstad and the Discovery of Electro...)

Eager as he was to pursue this promising line , he was so loaded_down with the management of the pharmacy and lectures in the medical and pharmaceutical faculties at the university that he could devote only Sunday afternoons to `` galvanizing '' .

Related terms

shop pharmacopoeia
