politics has definitions from the fields of work,politics,government,sociology
[ noun ] (sociology) social relations involving authority or power

Used in print

(Harold Rosenberg, "The Trial and Eichmann"...)

As_such , it was beyond politics and had no need of justification by a `` message '' .

(Kenneth Allsop, The Bootleggers and Their Era...)

He was also at this time , although not so interwoven in high politics and the rackets as Torrio and Capone , the most powerful and most dangerous mob leader in the Chicago underworld , the roughneck king .

He was also personally active in ward politics , and by 1924 O_'_Banion had acquired sufficient political might to be able to state : `` I always deliver my borough as per requirements '' .

(Tom F. Driver, "Beckett by the Madeleine,"...)

Harold_Clurman is right to say that `` Waiting_for_Godot '' is a reflection ( he calls it a distorted reflection ) `` of the impasse and disarray of Europe 's present politics , ethic , and common way_of_life '' .

(Brainard Cheney, "Christianity and the Tragic Vision-Ut...)

But first I want to quote him on the relationship that he found between religion and politics in_this country and what happened to it .

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[ noun ] (politics,government) the study of government of states and other political units

Used in print

(Glayds H. Barr, The Master of Geneva....)

Why , oh why , does n't he stick_to preaching the Gospel , instead of meddling in civic affairs , politics , economics , and social issues that are no concern of the Church '' ?

Furthermore , Bern decrees that we must do as we are ordered by the Council , preach only the word_of_God and stop meddling in politics '' !

(James Thurber, "The Future, If Any, of Comedy,"...)

`` You and I have fallen out of literature into politics '' , Moreland observed .

[ noun ] (work,politics) the profession devoted to governing and to political affairs

Used in print


The appointment of U_Thant of Burma as the U.N.'s Acting Secretary_General - at this writing , the choice appears to be certain - offers further proof that in politics it is more important to have no influential enemies than to have influential friends .

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[ noun ] (politics) the opinion you hold with respect to political questions

Used in print

(John Dos Passos, Midcentury....)

Those O'Dwyers had that Irish clannishness that made them stick_together in_spite of politics and everything .

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