electronics has definitions from the fields of physics,electronics
[ noun ] (physics,electronics) the branch of physics that deals with the emission and effects of electrons and with the use of electronic devices

Used in print

(Walter H. Buchsbaum, "Advances in Medical Electronics"...)

Every taxpayer is well aware of the vast size of our annual defense budget and most of our readers also realize that a large portion of these expenditures go for military electronics .

The host of novel applications of electronics to medical problems is far more thrilling because of their implication in matters concerning our health and vitality .

The author has recently studied the field of medical electronics and has been convinced that , in this area alone , the application of electronic_equipment has enormous possibilities .

The benefits electronics can bring to bio-medicine may be greater by_far than any previous medical discovery .

Electronics has been applied to medicine for many years in the form of such familiar equipment as the x-ray_machine , the electrocardiograph , and the diathermy_machine .
