pottery has definitions from the fields of work,business
[ noun ] ceramic ware made from clay and baked in a kiln



Used in print

(Chester G. Starr, The Origins of Greek Civili...)

Geometric pottery has not_yet received the thorough , detailed study which it deserves , partly because the task is a mammoth one and partly because some of its local manifestations , as at Argos , are only now coming_to_light .

The focus of novelty in this world now lay_in the south-eastern districts of the Greek mainland , and by 800 virtually the entire Aegean , always excepting its northern shores , had accepted the Geometric style of pottery .

For this period , as for earlier centuries , pottery remains the most secure source ; the ceramic material of the age is more abundant , more diversified , and more indicative_of the hopes and fears of its makers , who begin to show scenes of human life and death .

The Dipylon_Geometric pottery of Athens and the Iliad are amazing manifestations of the inherent potentialities of Greek civilization ; but both were among the last products of a phase which was ending .

The dominant pottery of the century was Geometric ; political organization revolved_about the basileis ; trade was just beginning to expand ; the gods who protected the Greek countryside were only now putting_on their sharply anthropomorphic dress .

[ noun ] (work,business) the craft of making earthenware

Used in print

(John Cheever, "The Brigadier and the Golf Widow,"...)

His money was tied_up in a Nassau hotel , an Ohio pottery works , and a detergent for window-washing , and luck had been running against him .

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[ noun ] (work) a workshop where clayware is made

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