preface has definitions from the fields of fine art,writing
[ verb ] furnish with a preface or introduction


"She always precedes her lectures with a joke" "He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution"

Used in print

(William C. Smith, "Why Fear Ideas?"...)

A successful businessman recently prefaced his address to a luncheon group with the statement that all economists should be sent to the hospitals for the mentally deranged where they and their theories might rot together .

[ noun ] (fine art,writing) a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book


prolusion foreword

Used in print

(Brainard Cheney, "Christianity and the Tragic Vision-Ut...)

They , perhaps , gave the pitch of their position in the preface where it was said that Eisenhower requested that the Commission be administered by the American_Assembly_of_Columbia_University , because it was non-partisan .

Related terms

introduction text
