professor has definitions from the fields of work,education
[ noun ] (work,education) someone who is a member of the faculty at a college or university



Used in print

(Edward E. Kelly, S.J., "Christian Unity in England"...)

Now , not_only are there considerably more laity as students and professors at Oxford , but there are also numerous houses of religious_orders existing in respectable and friendly relations with the non_Catholic members of the University .

(Mr. America, 4:6...)

That 's because the good professor teaches only Weider methods at his famous Montreal_Health_Studio which is located at 1821 Mt._Royal_East in Montreal .

Yesiree , the professor knows his muscles !

In his gym the professor has some of the most `` knocked_out '' equipment since Vic_Tanny .

Now when Henri has completed four complete Push-Pull_Super-Sets No. 1 , the professor allows him about a five minute rest period before starting him on four complete Push-Pull_Super-Sets No. 2 .
