quantum has definitions from the fields of physics,mathematics
[ noun ] how much there is of something that you can measure

Used in print

(Francis J. Johnston and John E. Willard, "The...)

The photochemical_exchange occurs with a quantum yield of the order of unity in the liquid phase at 65 ` using light absorbed only by the * * f .

In the gas phase , with * * f of * * f and * * f of * * f , quantum yields of the order of * * f have been observed at 85 ` .

It was possible to make estimates of the quantum yield by observing the extent of reduction of a uranyl_oxalate actinometer solution illuminated for a known time in a typical reaction cell and making appropriate conversions based on the differences in the absorption_spectra of uranyl_oxalate and of chlorine , and considering the spectral distribution of the light source .

These estimates indicated that the quantum yield for the exchange of chlorine with liquid carbon_tetrachloride at 65 ` is of the order_of_magnitude of unity .

[ noun ] (mathematics) a discrete amount of something that is analogous to the quantum in quantum theory

Related terms


[ noun ] (physics) the smallest quantity of some physical property that a system can possess (according to quantum theory)