[ noun ] an amount of time


"a time period of 30 years" "hastened the period of time of his recovery" "Picasso's blue period"

Used in print

(Musical America, LXXXI:5...)

In all his miscalculations , Stravinsky made the fatal historical blunder of presuming that he could transform other composers ' inspirations - representing many peoples , time_periods and styles - into his own music by warping the harmony , melody , or form , to verify his own experiments .

(Public Papers of the Presidents of the U.S. D. D....)

Considering the high cost of the F-108 system - over $ 4 billion for the force that had been planned - and the time_period in which it would become operational , it was decided to stop further work on the project .

(Allan J. Braff and Roger F. Miller, "Wage-Price...)

In any given time_period , the aggregate demand for the industry 's product is determined by two things : the price charged by the industry , and the level of GNP .

Productivity is something of an amorphous concept and the amount of productivity increase in a given time_period is not even well_known to the industry , much_less to the union or to the public .
