secretary_of_the_treasury has definitions from the fields of work,government,politics
[ noun ] (politics) the person who holds the secretaryship of the Treasury Department


"Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury"

Used in print

(Legislation on Foreign Relations. Committee on Foreign...)

Any fee so determined shall be entered as a part of such award , and payment thereof shall be made by the Secretary_of_the_Treasury by deducting the amount thereof from the total amount paid pursuant to the award .

Any and all payments required to be made by the Secretary_of_the_Treasury under this title pursuant to any award made by the Commission to the Government of the United_States shall be covered into the Treasury to the credit of miscellaneous receipts .

The Commission shall , as soon as possible , and in the order of the making of such awards , certify to the Secretary_of_the_Treasury and to the Secretary_of_State copies of the awards made in favor of the Government of the United_States or of nationals of the United_States under this Title .

Subject to the limitations hereinafter provided , the Secretary_of_the_Treasury is authorized and directed to pay , as prescribed by section 8 of_this Title , an amount not exceeding the principal of each award , plus accrued interests on such awards as bear interest , certified pursuant to section 5 of_this Title , in accordance with the award .

Such payments , and applications for such payments , shall be made in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary_of_the_Treasury may prescribe .

Related terms


[ noun ] (work,government) the position of the head of the Treasury Department


"the position of Treasury Secretary was created in 1789"
