[ verb ] give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect


look appear


"She seems to be sleeping" "This appears to be a very difficult problem" "This project looks fishy" "They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time"

Used in print

(The Dallas Morning News,...)

Committee approval of Gov._Price_Daniel 's `` abandoned property '' act seemed certain Thursday despite the adamant protests of Texas bankers .

(The Sun, [Baltimore],...)

Richard_M._Forbes 's Paget , which had what seemed to be a substantial lead in the early stages , tired rapidly nearing the wire and was able to save place money only a head in_front of Glen_T._Hallowell 's Milties_Miss .

Garden_Fresh , the result of a mating of Better_Self and Rosy_Fingered , seems to improve with each start and appeared to win the St._Patrick's_Day_Purse with some speed in reserve .

(St. Louis Post-Dispatch,...)

Benington recalled that he once told Hartweger that he doubted Gordon would ever play much for him because he seemed to be lacking in all of the accepted basketball skills .

(The Times-Picayune, [New Orleans]...)

She should offer substitutes for the temptations which seem overwhelmingly desirable to the child .

[ verb ] seem to be true, probable, or apparent




"It seems that he is very gifted" "It appears that the weather in California is very bad"

Used in print

(Rocky Mountains News, [Denver, Colorado],...)

Just when it seems baseball might be losing its grip on the masses up pops heroics to start millions of tongues to wagging .

(S. Idell Pyle, et al., Onsets, Completions, and...)

It seems clear , from the counter-balanced shape of the series of arrows in Figure 5 that there was about an equal number of early and late Onsets and Completions for the 34 girls .

(Jacob Robbins et al., "The thyroid-stimulating...)

There it seems that the goitrogen ingested by dairy animals is itself inactive but is converted in the animal to an active goitrogen , which is then secreted in the milk .

(Max F. Millikan and Donald L. M. Blackmer,...)

It may seem to some of them that success can be purchased much less dearly by fishing in the murky waters of international politics than by facing_up to the intractable tasks at_home .

(William S. Haymond, "Is Distance an Original...)

If the patient can perceive figure kinesthetically when he cannot perceive it visually , then , it would seem , the sense_of_touch has immediate contact with the spatial aspects of things in_independence_of visual representations , at_least in regard_to two dimensions , and , as we shall see , even this much spatial awareness on_the_part_of unaided touch is denied by the authors .

Related terms


[ verb ] appear to exist


"There seems no reason to go ahead with the project now"

Related terms


[ verb ] appear to one's own mind or opinion


"I seem to be misunderstood by everyone" "I can't seem to learn these Chinese characters"

Related terms

