[ verb ] give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect


seem look


"She seems to be sleeping" "This appears to be a very difficult problem" "This project looks fishy" "They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time"

Used in print

(The Sun, [Baltimore],...)

Garden_Fresh , the result of a mating of Better_Self and Rosy_Fingered , seems to improve with each start and appeared to win the St._Patrick's_Day_Purse with some speed in reserve .


The appointment of U_Thant of Burma as the U.N.'s Acting Secretary_General - at this writing , the choice appears to be certain - offers further proof that in politics it is more important to have no influential enemies than to have influential friends .

(The Christian Science Monitor,...)

Miss_Sutherland appeared almost as another person in this scene : A much more girlish Lucia , a sensational coloratura who ran across stage while singing , and an actress immersed in her role .

(Tristram P. Coffin, "Folklore in the American Twentieth...)

As_long_as his material is Americana , can in_some_way be ascribed to the masses and appears `` democratic '' to his audience , he remains satisfied .

(Edward P. Lawton, "Northern Liberals and Southern...)

It appears to be one of intense dislike , which he makes little effort to conceal even in the presence of Southern friends .

[ verb ] come into sight or view


"He suddenly appeared at the wedding" "A new star appeared on the horizon"

Used in print

(The Dallas Morning News,...)

But questions with which committee_members taunted bankers appearing as witnesses left little doubt that they will recommend passage of_it .

(The Providence Journal...)

This may be unfortunate , perhaps , from the standpoint of David_Hedison , Providence 's contribution to Hollywood , who is appearing by special arrangement with 20th_Century-Fox .

(Edward E. Kelly, S.J., "Christian Unity in England"...)

Catholic priests have frequently appeared on television_programs , sometimes discussing the Christian faith on an equal footing with Protestant clergymen .

(Organic Gardening and Farming,...)

They germinate quickly , the tiny plants appearing in a week , and grow along lustily .

When the first sprinkling of green appears I remove the board .

[ verb ] be issued or published, as of news in a paper, a book, or a movie




"Did your latest book appear yet?" "The new Woody Allen film hasn't come out yet"

Used in print

(Musical America, LXXXI:5...)

At this date , it seems probable that the name of Serge_Prokofieff will appear in the archives of History , as an effective Traditionalist , who was fully aware of the lure and danger of experimentation , and used it as it served his purpose ; yet was never caught_up in it - never a slave to its academic dialectics .

(Successful Farming, 59:12...)

( These enzyme preparations appear on today 's feed tags as fermentation extracts of Bacillus_subtilis , Apergillus_orzae , Niger , and Flavus . )

(Tom F. Driver, "Beckett by the Madeleine,"...)

What appears here is shorter than what he actually said but very close to his own words .

(William C. Smith, "Why Fear Ideas?"...)

For several generations much fiction has appeared dealing with the steprelationship .

(Arlin Turner, "William Faulkner, Southern Novelist"...)

These narratives of coarse action and crude language appeared first in local newspapers , as a rule , and later found their way between book covers , though rarely into the planters ' libraries beside the morocco bound volumes of Horace , Mr._Addison , Mr._Pope , and Sir_Walter_Scott .

Related terms


[ verb ] seem to be true, probable, or apparent




"It seems that he is very gifted" "It appears that the weather in California is very bad"

Used in print

(Howard Nemerov, "Themes and Methods: The Early...)

It appears that the dominant tendency of Mann 's early tales , however pictorial or even picturesque the surface , is already toward the symbolic , the emblematic , the expressionistic .

(Francis J. Johnston and John E. Willard, "The...)

It would appear that it should be possible to determine unique mechanisms for the thermal and photochemical_reactions in both the liquid and gas phases and to determine values for activation_energies of some of the intermediate reactions of atoms and free_radicals , as_well_as information on the heat_of_dissociation of the carbon halogen bond .

(Jacob Robbins et al., "The thyroid-stimulating...)

In the thyroid_gland it appears that proteins ( chiefly thyroglobulin ) are iodinated and that free tyrosine and thyronine are not iodinated .

(Douglas Ashford, "Elections in Morocco: Progress...)

There followed a long and sometimes bitter discussion of the feasibility of elections for the fall of 1957 , in which it appears that the Minister_of_the_Interior took the most pessimistic view and that the Istiqlal was something less_than enthusiastic .

(Brand Blanshard, "The Emotive Theory," Robert...)

It appeared that the theory could be saved in one way only .

Related terms

be seem

[ verb ] come into being or existence, or appear on the scene




: "Then the computer came along and changed our lives" "Homo sapiens appeared millions of years ago"

Used in print

(John R. Sargent, "Where To Aim Your Planning for Bigger...)

If private brand competition has n't been felt in your product field as_yet , have you thought how you will cope with it if and when it does appear ?

(R. F. Shaw, "The `Private Eye`"...)

What was only a vague suspicion in the case of Sherlock_Holmes now appears as a direct accusation : the private_eye is in danger of turning_into his opposite .

(Brainard Cheney, "Christianity and the Tragic Vision-Ut...)

I will mention two volumes of specific comment on this malaise that appeared last year .

(87th Congress, 1st Session. Congressional Record....)

At this time of crisis in our Nation 's commuter railroads , a new threat to the continued operations of the New_York_Central has appeared in the form of the Chesapeake_+_Ohio_Railroad 's proposal for control of the Baltimore_+_Ohio_railroads .

[ verb ] appear as a character on stage or appear in a play, etc.


"Gielgud appears briefly in this movie" "She appeared in `Hamlet' on the London stage"

Used in print

(Irving Fineman, Woman of Valor: The Life of Henrietta...)

A comedy in Three Acts '' , in which , under `` Personages '' , Henrietta appeared as `` A Schoolmarm '' , and Bertha , who was only a_trifle less brilliant in high_school than Henrietta had been , appeared as `` Dummkopf '' .

A comedy in Three Acts '' , in which , under `` Personages '' , Henrietta appeared as `` A Schoolmarm '' , and Bertha , who was only a_trifle less brilliant in high_school than Henrietta had been , appeared as `` Dummkopf '' .

Related terms

perform dramaturgy

[ verb ] present oneself formally, as before a (judicial) authority


"He had to appear in court last month" "She appeared on several charges of theft"

Used in print

(U.S. Reports. Volume 364. Cases Adjudged in the...)

There followed a customary Department_of_Justice hearing , at which petitioner appeared .

Related terms

