[ noun ] the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment


"second place was no consolation to him"

Used in print

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

To_be_sure , when this is pointed_out , a common response among certain churchmen is to fulminate about `` the little flock '' and `` the great crowd '' and to take solace from Paul 's castigation of the `` wisdom of the wise '' in the opening chapter of First_Corinthians .

(Joyce O. Hertzler, American Social Institutions;...)

It gives him aid , comfort , even solace , in meeting mundane life situations where his own unassisted practical knowledge and skill are felt by him to be inadequate .

[ verb ] give moral or emotional strength to

Used in print

(Perry Miller "Theodore Parker: Apostasy within Liberalism"...)

To the extent that he was ostracized or even reviled , we solace ourselves by saying he asked_for it .

(Booth Hemingway and Stuart H. Brown,...)

Eight years ago while we were going_through the mud-sweat-and-tears construction period , we were each solaced by the vision of early morning dips and evening home-comings to a cool family collected around the pool with a buffet table laid_out nearby for the lord and master 's delectation .

[ noun ] comfort in disappointment or misery



Related terms

comfort comfort

[ noun ] the act of consoling; giving relief in affliction


comfort consolation


"his presence was a consolation to her"

Related terms

relief comfort
