soldier has definitions from the fields of zoology,military,work
[ noun ] (military,work) an enlisted man or woman who serves in an army


"the soldiers stood at attention"

Used in print


As the civic temper rises , the more naive citizens begin to play soldier - but the guns are real .

(Bonnie Prudden, "The Dancer and the Gymnast"...)

The addition of endurance training later , when the body is mature enough to benefit from it without danger of injury , provides that final quality that makes the top athlete , soldier or citizen .

(Howard Nemerov, "Themes and Methods: The Early...)

Thus , on the highroad , a troop of soldiers `` marched in their own dust and sang '' , while on the footpath one man walks alone .

(Tristram Coffin, Not to the Swift....)

Mr._Christiansen knows that a soldier will get the Distinguished_Service_Medal for conduct that would land him in prison for life or the electric_chair as a civilian .

This is why he made such a magnificent soldier .

[ verb ] (military) serve as a soldier in the military

Related terms


[ noun ] (zoology) a wingless sterile ant or termite having a large head and powerful jaws adapted for defending the colony

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