squire has definitions from the field of work
[ noun ] (work) young nobleman attendant on a knight

Used in print

(Chicago Daily Tribune...)

More_than a beautiful visualization of the illustrious adventures and escapades of the tragi-comic knight-errant and his squire , Sancho_Panza , in seventeenth century Spain , this inevitably abbreviated rendering of the classic satire on chivalry is an affectingly warm and human exposition of character .

Splendid , too , is the performance of Yuri_Tolubeyev , one of Russia 's leading comedians , as Sancho_Panza , the fat , grotesque `` squire '' .

Related terms

attendant armiger

[ noun ] (British) an English country landowner

Used in print

(Stephen Longstreet, Eagles Where I Walk....)

And all this too shall pass_away : it came to him out of some dim corner of memory from a church_service when he was a boy - yes , in a white church with a thin spur steeple in the patriarchal Hudson_Valley , where a feeling of plenitude was normal in those English Dutch manors with their well-fed squires .

Related terms

landowner UK

[ verb ] attend upon as a squire; serve as a squire

Related terms


[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 7718
[ noun ] (work) a man who attends or escorts a woman



Related terms

