[ verb ] take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect


"His voice took on a sad tone" "The story took a new turn" "he adopted an air of superiority" "She assumed strange manners" "The gods assume human or animal form in these fables"

Used in print

(Mr. America, 4:6...)

Used in several sets of high reps once or twice each_week it will not be long before your entire upper leg takes_on a razor-sharp definition in which the muscles look_like wire cables writhing and twisting under the skin !

(Frieda Arkin, "The Light of the Sea," in The...)

The old_woman , stubbornly reigning in the house above the crashing waters took_on an ominous reality .

The air took_on a special strength now that they 'd left the fecund warmth of the farmland behind .

Related terms

change re-assume

[ verb ] take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities


"When will the new President assume office?"

Used in print

(Booton Herndon, "From Custer to Korea, The 7th Cavalry"...)

So filled was Mel_Chandler with the spirit of Garryowen that after Korea was over , he took_on the job of writing the complete history of the regiment .

(Dell Shannon, The Ace of Spades....)

And I done favors for you , big favor not so long back , did n't I , and I 'm right here to take_on where Pretty left_off .

Related terms

take_office resume assumption

[ verb ] accept as a challenge


tackle undertake

Used in print

(The Philadelphia Inquirer,...)

When this and other units combined to form the present group , it was taken_on as a continuing fund-raiser .

(Ann Ritner, Seize a Nettle....)

And Grandma is n't strong enough to take_on something like that , and to tell you the truth neither am I '' .

Related terms


[ verb ] set about dealing with


undertake tackle


"I'll try to tackle this difficult task"

Used in print

(Donald J. Plantz, Sweeney Squadron....)

Todman , you take the one on the left .

I 'll take the middle .

Related terms

confront confront rise braving

[ verb ] admit into a group or community


accept take admit


"accept students for graduate study" "We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member"

Used in print

(Los Angeles Times...)

A flight originating_in Florida picked_up guests on the East_Coast and Midwest and a plane left from Seattle taking_on passengers at West_Coast points .

Related terms

accept profess admit

[ verb ] contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle


meet encounter play


"Princeton plays Yale this weekend" "Charlie likes to play Mary"

Used in print

(The Washington Post...)

That imposing , somewhat austere , and seemingly remote collonaded building with the sphynxes perched on its threshold at 1733 16 th st. nw. took_on bustling life yesterday .
