[ verb ] come together


"I'll probably see you at the meeting" "How nice to see you again!"

Used in print

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

Time_and_again in counseling and teaching , one encounters members of this group whose attempts to bring into some kind of unity the insubstantial mythologies of their `` fundamentalist '' heritage and the stubborn reality of the modern_world are only_too painfully obvious .

(Christopher Davis, First Family....)

He had not even thought_about her much except once or twice at night in bed when his slowly ranging thoughts would abruptly , almost accidentally , encounter her .

(Louis Zara, Dark Rider....)

The blow encountered silky hair and hard bone .

(Robert Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land....)

He stepped_out into the hall , was delighted to encounter a water_brother .

(S. J. Perelman, The Rising Gorge. New York:...)

I learned , for_example , that he made a practice of yapping at dogs he encountered and , in winter , of sprinkling salt on the icy pavement to scarify their feet .

Related terms

intersect meet

[ verb ] come upon, as if by accident; meet with


"We find this idea in Plato" "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here" "She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day"

Used in print

(Nathan Rapport, ""I've Been Here before!"...)

If the photographically realistic continuity of dreams , however bizarre their combinations , denies that it is purely a composition of the brain , it must be compounded from views of diverse realities , although some of them may never be encountered in what we are pleased to call the real_life .

(Edward P. Lawton, "Northern Liberals and Southern...)

From my wife 's experience and other sources , this seems to be rarely encountered in educated circles .

(Jay C. Harris and John R. Van Wazer, "Detergent...)

Upon consideration of the variety of soils and fabrics normally encountered in the washing process , it is little wonder that the use of a number of detergent constituents having `` synergistic '' properties has gained widespread acceptance .

(John Michael Ray, "Rhode Island's Reactions...)

Davis commenced his remarks by an allusion to the general feeling of opposition which the meeting had encountered from many of the citizens and all the newspapers of the city .

Related terms

discovery meeting

[ noun ] a minor short-term fight


skirmish clash brush

Used in print

(The Sun, [Baltimore],...)

Twenty-one year old Milt_Pappas and Jerry_Walker , 22 , are scheduled to share the Oriole mound chores against the Bombers ' Art_Ditmar in Sunday 's 2 P.M. encounter .

(LeRoy Fothergill, "Biological Warfare", in Peter...)

The incubation_period of infectious_disease , plus a variable period of illness even before a lethal effect , render this weapon unsuitable for hand-to-hand encounter .

(Howard Fast, April Morning....)

A dozen cows mooed sadly and regarded us as if we were insane , as perhaps we were at that moment , with the crazy excitement of our first encounter , the yelling and shooting still continuing up at the road , and the thirst of some of the men , which was so great that they waded into the muddy water and scooped_up handfuls of_it .

Related terms

fight contretemps skirmish

[ verb ] be beset by




"The project ran into numerous financial difficulties"

Used in print

(Rosemary Balckmon, "How Much Do You Tell When...)

It was there , in the course of trying to prepare new men for the `` culture shock '' they might encounter in remote overseas posts , that he first began to develop a system of charting the `` norms of human communication '' .

(Rhode Island Legislative Council. Research Report...)

Although there are many sound reasons for adopting uniform and coordinated fiscal_years in Rhode_Island , there are also certain difficulties encountered .

Related terms


[ noun ] a casual or unexpected convergence




"he still remembers their meeting in Paris" "there was a brief encounter in the hallway"

Used in print

(Alex Gordon, The Cipher....)

He turned his head to the source of the disturbance and instantly back to the window and his rifle sight , dismissing Hoag for_the_moment with the same contempt he had shown in their encounter at Hoag 's apartment .

Related terms

convergence conjunction find

[ noun ] a casual meeting with a person of thing



Used in print

(Howard Nemerov, "Themes and Methods: The Early...)

The artistic interest , then , lies_in what the encounter may be made to represent , in the power of some central significance to draw the details into relevance and meaningfulness .

(J. H. Hexter, "Thomas More: On the Margins...)

But to say that at a moment in history something is new is not necessarily to say that it is modern ; and for this statement the best evidence comes within the five years following the publication of Utopia , when Martin_Luther elaborates a new perception of the nature of the Divine 's encounter with man .

Related terms

joining meet

[ verb ] experience as a reaction


meet receive


"My proposal met with much opposition"

Related terms


[ verb ] contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle


meet take_on play


"Princeton plays Yale this weekend" "Charlie likes to play Mary"

Used in print

(Max F. Millikan and Donald L. M. Blackmer,...)

If modernization programs are imposed from above , without the understanding and cooperation of the people , they will encounter grave difficulties .

[ noun ] a hostile disagreement face-to-face

Related terms

disagreement confront
