tariff has definitions from the field of government
[ noun ] (government) a government tax on imports or exports




"they signed a treaty to lower duties on trade between their countries"

Used in print

(John Harnsberger and Robert P. Wilkins,...)

This trade was subject to a tariff of 7.5 per_cent after February 1835 , but much was smuggled into Assiniboia with the result that the duty was reduced by 1841 to 4 per_cent on the initiative of the London committee .

(Allan J. Braff and Roger F. Miller, "Wage-Price...)

Where this approach becomes critical , the industry can be expected to put much emphasis on this as evidence of its sincerity in `` resisting '' the wage pressures of a powerful union , requesting tariff relief after it has `` reluctantly '' acceded to the union pressure .

[ verb ] (government) charge a tariff, as for imported goods

Related terms

tax duty
