theorem has definitions from the fields of mathematics,logic
[ noun ] (mathematics,logic) a proposition deducible from basic postulates

Used in print

(Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze, Linear Al...)

The theorem which we prove is more general than what we have described , since it works with the primary decomposition of the minimal polynomial , whether or not the primes which enter are all of first degree .

The reader will find it helpful to think_of the special case when the primes are of degree 1 , and even more particularly , to think_of the proof of Theorem 10 , a special case of this theorem .

The reader will find it helpful to think_of the special case when the primes are of degree 1 , and even more particularly , to think_of the proof of Theorem 10 , a special case of this theorem .

Since * * f are distinct prime polynomials , the polynomials * * f are relatively prime ( Theorem 8 , Chapter 4 ) .

In the notation of the proof of Theorem 12 , let us take_a_look at the special case in which the minimal polynomial for T is a product of first degree polynomials , i.e. , the case in which each * * f is of the form * * f .

[ noun ] an idea accepted as a demonstrable truth

Related terms

idea bayes'_theorem
